Saturday, February 14, 2015


Have you ever lost complete Interests in one of your friends? Currently I'm having a bit of a falling out with one of what used to be my best friends, and she isn't even aware of it. 

I'd rather not mention names simply for the sake of, I have no clue who's reading this. So I'll just continue the story without names.

It began sort of recently when she started to neglect another friend and me for her other friends. Now by all means, have all the friends in the world! It's great to be social and have a lot of friends, I wish I was like that sometimes, but don't ignore your friends you've had for YEARS for someone else. She has a whole other group of friends outside of our group and I think that's wonderful, but when you want to hang out with them and say you're "too busy" for us, that's where I draw the line. It may sound selfish, but I don't want to be someone's second choice. I don't want to be the rebound when your other friends aren't around to talk to. Can you really call yourself a "Best Friend" when you ignore me in class for another friend, and only talk to me when she's talking to someone else?  

And all while this is happening she has no clue I'm upset. I'm trying to avoid drama all together, high school has enough of it already, but if this continues any longer I'm going to have to speak up. 

I could continue on much longer but considering I'm not sure who will read this, I'd rather stop before it's too obvious who I'm taking about.

The reason I wanted to share this was because I honestly just needed to vent. But, I was also curious if anyone has gone through anything similar? Or am I just overreacting? 

Either way I think friends should remain friends no matter what, who else is around shouldn't affect it.


Picture found on Google Images

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